Dial 9 is our communications company specialising in VoIP solutions for small to medium sized businesses in the UK.

Featured posts from Dial 9

Choosing the right VoIP device

Posted in May 2023 

When it comes to connecting to a VoIP service provider for calls, you can actually do so via a variety of different means. In the most simple terms, the only...

Getting ready for the big switchover from copper 

Posted in June 2023 

As you may already know, the UK telephone network is currently undergoing a series of major changes. Primarily, the backbone of the network, is being switched from analogue to digital....

All the latest posts from Dial 9

A natural extension ‑ Cloud Artisans and Dial 9 Case Study 

Posted 17 days ago 

Read about one of Dial 9's partners, utilising Dial 9 white label partner program. Cloud Artisans is a consultancy led digital and engagement agency who partners with companies to implement everything they need to build and maintain an online presence from websites to communications.

Managing your calls over the Christmas period

Posted in December 2023 

As most businesses will be closing or working with a reduced number of staff over Christmas, it's useful to be able to route your calls differently. When using Dial 9...

Using a headset with your VoIP device

Posted in August 2023 

When making and receiving lots of calls, it can be more comfortable to use a headset. There are a variety of options available for users, depending on the nature of...

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