Our office connectivity is relatively simple and pretty standard for most offices, so I thought I would share our configuration and how we’ve set everything up. I thought a blog post outlining how we have things configured would be useful for others as well as documentation for ourselves.


I recently came by a EdgeRouter Lite from Ubiquiti Networks and we use one of these as our main office gateway/router. In the past we have just used a Linux box but the EdgeRouter is less power-hungry and easily fits into our data cabinets.

Before I get into the details of how we have this router configured, the list below outlines our key requirements from our network.

  • Three seperate networks:

    • Our main office network used by staff workstations, VoIP phones etc…
    • A public network for guests to use with both wired & wireless access
    • An “access control” network which is used for our IP-connected access control system. Unfortunately, there’s no security on the actual access control devices so a seperate firewalled network is a must.
  • 2 PPPoE BT-provided FTTC connections (from Zen Internet). One used for public traffic and the other used just for our VPN.

  • Ability to join our office network into our VPN — allowing us to connect to other networks (including our core networks in London).

Equipment used

  • The EdgeRouter Lite itself (here after referred to as the router).

  • BT provided VDSL modems.

  • We use two managed switches on the office which allow us to place any port in the office onto any VLAN we desire.

  • Our wifi uses the Ubiquiti Unifi access points which support multiple SSIDs on different VLANs with a variety of security options. We have two SSIDs one for staff (using WPA2 Enterprise) and one for guests (WPA2-PSK).

VDSL modems

The VSDL modems provided by BT allow you to simple connect to your ISP using PPPoE. Therefore, we placed each modem on its own dedicated VLAN which is only available to the router.

Router interfaces

In order to configure the router, I am using the CLI interface which I love. The web interface provided by Ubiquiti seems to only include 20% of the actual functionality.

To begin I’ve set up our router with an interface on each of our networks. At present, it is just plugged into a single trunk port on a switch with the main office network untagged and the other VLANs tagged.

interfaces {  
    ethernet eth0 {
        description Office
        vif 100 {
            description Security
            mtu 1500
        vif 101 {
            description Guests
            mtu 1500
        vif 201 {
            description "PPPoE Linknet #1"
            mtr 1500
        vif 202 {
            description "PPPoE Linknet #2"
            mtu 1500
    loopback lo {

In this configuration, you can see we have set up 5 networks. As there is only one connected physical interface, these virtual interfaces are all within the eth0 interface.

Of course, once you have made these changes, you will need to commit them on the router and any IP you were using for management may be removed.

PPPoe Configuration

Our PPPoE Configuration is pretty simple. The PPPoE configuration itself is placed on the vif for your PPPoE link network, as follows:

interfaces {  
    ethernet eth0 {
        vif 201 {
            description "PPPoE Linknet #1"
            mtu 1500
            pppoe 0 {
                default-route auto
                   firewall {
                    out {
                        modify pppoe-out
                mtu 1492
                password *******
                user-id username@isp

You will also notice the interface is set to use the pppoe-out firewall policy. This must also be created:

firewall {  
    modify pppoe-out {
        rule 1 {
            action modify
            modify {
                tcp-mss 1452
            protocol tcp
            tcp {
                flags SYN

This policy is configured to modify the size of TCP packets so they work with PPPoE connections. Read more about this here.

This is then repeated for vif 202 but using pppoe 1 rather than 0 and with different credentials. The other difference is that default-route is set to none as we don’t want a default route for this connection.

In order to route our VPN traffic over the other PPPoE connection (pppoe1), we will create a static interface route which ensures the IP for our VPN will always go to that connection.

protocols {  
    static {
        interface-route x.x.x.x/32 {
            next-hop-interface pppoe1

Configuring NAT

Next up, you’ll need to configure a NAT so that your local subnets have access to the internet over these connections. The following NAT rule will ensure that all traffic destined for pppoe0 will be “natted” as appropriate.

service {  
    nat {
        rule 5000 {
            description pppoe0-nat
            log disable
            outbound-interface pppoe0
            type masquerade

You should repeat these as rule 5001 for pppoe1 for the other connection (if you need it). In our case, we don’t actually need to NAT the traffic to our VPN as only our router will be connecting to it.

DHCP Server

Assuming you don’t want every user to manually configure their own IPs on your network, you’ll need to configure the DHCP server. We only need to dynamically allocate addresses for our office & guest networks.

service {  
    dhcp-server {
        shared-network-name office {
            subnet {
                domain-name poole.atech.io
                start {

You should repeat the shared-network-name section for your public network and set it up to allocate addresses as appropriate. We just use a couple of public DNS servers as nameservers (Google and C&W in this case).

Mid-way testing

You can give all that a test now. Pop a computer onto one of your subnets and using ping and mtr to test you can access the sites you expect and that traffic is routed over the correct paths.

To look at the connected interfaces, just run show interfaces on your router’s CLI.

ubnt@gateway:~$ show interfaces  
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down  
Interface    IP Address                S/L  Description  
---------    ----------                ---  -----------
eth0               u/u  Office  
eth0.100               u/u  Security  
eth0.101             u/u  Guests  
eth0.201     -                         u/u  PPPoE Link #1  
eth0.202     -                         u/u  PPPoE Link #2  
lo                u/u  
pppoe0           u/u  
pppoe1           u/u  

You can also take a look at your routing table with show ip route.

ubnt@gateway:~$ show ip route  
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,  
       I - ISIS, B - BGP, > - selected route, * - FIB route

K>* is directly connected, pppoe0  
C>* is directly connected, eth0.100  
C>* is directly connected, pppoe1  
C>* is directly connected, pppoe0  
C>* is directly connected, lo  
C>* is directly connected, eth0.101  
S>* xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32 [1/0] is directly connected, pppoe1  

The final route in the example output is the static route you provided for your VPN connection on pppoe1.

Setting up OpenVPN

This isn’t a blog post about the specifics of OpenVPN but I will explain where to put your configuration files and how to make the router connect to it.

I have placed my OpenVPN configuration files into /config/auth/ovpn* on the router. I have 4 files:

  • ovpn.conf  - a standard OpenVPN client configuration file
  • ovpn-ca.crt  - the OpenVPN CA certificate
  • ovpn-client.crt  - the OpenVPN client certificate
  • ovpn-client.key  -  the OpenVPN client private key

Once you have put these in place, you should tell the router you’ve done that with:

You can configure OpenVPN itself in the openvpn configuration above but as I already had configuration files, it was quicker to do this for me.

Once you have committed these changes, you should find that your VPN connects and your show interfaces includes a new interface for your VPN connection.

tap0               u/D

If your OpenVPN server also provides you with routes, you will find that show ip route includes these routes along with a “connected” route for your VPN client subnet.

K>* via, tap0  
C>* is directly connected, tap0  
K>* via, tap0  

Fixing the Guest Network

Unfortunately, at this point we have a bit an issue with our Guest network. While it can access most of the internet, it will not have access to anything which is routed over the VPN connection. This is because our core network routers know how to route back to our office over the VPN but has no idea about the network used for the guest network.

We don’t want our guests to access to our network over the VPN so we need to use policy based routed to route traffic different based on its source IP. Fortunately, this is pretty simple. Firstly, we need to create a new routing table for the public network which sends everything over pppoe0.

protocols {  
    static {
        table 101 {
            interface-route {
                next-hop-interface pppoe0

Next, we need to create a firewall policy to route traffic from to this new routing table.

firewall {  
    modify public-traffic {
        rule 10 {
            modify {
                table 101
            source {

Finally, we need to set up our public interface on the router eth0 vif 101 to use this policy.

interfaces {  
    ethernet eth0 {
        vif 101 {
            in {
                modify public-traffic

Securing the access control network

We don’t want anyone (except our access control server) accessing the access control network so we need to add a firewall policy for this.

firewall {  
    name security {
        default-action drop
        rule 1 {
            action accept
            description "Allow Management Server"
            destination {
            log disable
            protocol all
            source {
                address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

As above, this policy needs to be applied to the security interface.

interfaces {  
    ethernet eth0 {
        vif 100 {
            out {
                name security

Finishing up

That’s pretty much all there is to it. There are a couple of other bits which I haven’t documented like IPv6 tunnelling over our VPN and DHCP settings for the Unifi APs.

All in all, the EdgeRouter is a powerful bit of kit and I would recommend them for any office-based situation. The software itself seems to be based on Vyatta who have an excellent reputation for routing. I look forward to having a look at their more professional equipment in the future!

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