Back in 2013, we hosted the first ever HACKBMTH event in our offices in Poole. Now, we want to give some more back to the local community and are now offering free application hosting on Viaduct for any HACKBMTH projects which need it.


What are we offering?

Well.. everything really. We're giving any HACKBMTH project £50 free credit every month for each application which you deploy. This credit can then be used for any of the Viaduct services, including:

  • Any Ruby, PHP or Node.js processes which you want to run - either web servers, or background workers.
  • Any of our enterprise-level databases (including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Memcache and ElasticSearch).
  • SSL certificates for your custom domains (or just use our subdomain which includes SSL too).
  • Disk space to store any files which you need to run your application.
  • Database backups.

Why Viaduct?

We think it's important to let you focus on writing code and not worry about how you're going to share the project with other people. Viaduct lets you simply deploy your code, add some config and we'll handle the rest. You just need to pop your app into a Git or Mercurial repository and host it somewhere (perhaps Codebase).


Great! How can I get my free apps?

Just signup for a Viaduct account and deploy your application. Once you've deployed the app, just drop us an email and we'll apply the free credit to your new application.

You may want to take a look at our documentation which provides a huge range of information about how the platform works and how to get started.

If you need help getting something up and running, just stop by our chat room, get in touch on Twitter ordrop us an email.

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